Wednesday 24 February 2021

My Lenten Promises

Lent is something you give up for 40 days. Lent is 40 days because Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. That is why Lent is for 40 days. I am giving  up lollies. I did it last year. It was hard but I can do it. I have learnt that Lent is for 40 days. I thought  it was for 35 days.
During Lent we put a purple cloth on our prayer table because it is a time of preparation. Jesus died on the cross for us.
We also pray more and put money in the Caritas box for the poor. I will do that at the end of Lent like I did last year.



Crime Scene Investigation.

Last week I was learning to make connection between what we are reading. In the group there was a handwriting expert and a fibre expert and a fingerprinting expert and a powder expert. We had all done science workshops to become these experts. Then we were given a crime scene for our group. I liked doing the powder because you had to do a ph test and see what colour the powder went. We all had a book that had information on the suspects. i can't remember who did the crime because i didn't finish everything. Next time I will focus on my work and not get distracted.
This is the slide I made from the fibre workshop I went to.


Thursday 18 February 2021

chinese new year poster


art/taking photos


It was a little bit hard to take the photos on a computer

Friday 12 February 2021

About Me 2021

I am Jakob. I have 1 brother and a mum and dad. I go to Saint Mary's School

and I am a Year 5.

I am good at soccer and athletics. My goal for this year is to better at my writing.

I need to use descriptive words and more juicy verbs. My challenge is


I like to play Roblox at home in my spare time. I go running a lot 

and I go hunting a lot too.

I am looking forward to camp because everyone says it's real fun.

My achievement is to get 5000 people to visit my blog because that is

a lot of

people reading my blog. I will need to post a lot of quality blogs.